Friday, June 17, 2005

Play it Hard!

Its a hard-sell when you are trying to convince people to watch stage plays as an alternative to the flashy movies aired in today's trendy multiplexes.

Why?? These are some of the excuses/reasons one listens.

  • Plays contain no stars ,no glamour, no futuristic sound and visual effects.
  • The crowd is not kinda hepp.
  • Its not kinda cool to hang around a theatre.
  • Plays are not contemporary, themes are dated.
  • I wanna watch plays , but no one throws them at me. How do I know one is on air?
  • They tend to preach!! I don't wanna be preached.

Well, a lot of what is said above is true. I will not deny it. But for all these shortfalls as compared to a movie, plays have certain plus points too :)

  • Good Plays contain a definite plot and a strong script, which is absent in most movies today ( I remember the exasperated firang hero in "Bollywood Calling" "Subra!!!! Where's is the script????" its not really different for most bollywood movies)
  • Plays often have dated themes, but they depict the state of the social fabric very strongly at that point. It really opens ones eyes to the past, but yes, only if you care to take a peep into history.
  • Plays are much closer to real life then the so called comedy movies ( people who have seen "Kya Cool Hain Hum" can comment better)
  • Plays are shorter in duration and have fewer distractions ( like songs. Of course if your only objective of watching movies is to watch the item numbers, you are reading the wrong blog)
  • Plays are much more economical to watch then a movie, atleast in Delhi.
  • You almost always get to watch the play you intend to watch, you don't have to settle for a poor cousin cos there are not enough seats. Its never a housefull ( unless these themselves act as deterrents to your decision )

So, going with my belief, I have watched 8 plays in the past one year here in Delhi and will continue to watch them and post reviews. The reviews are not meant to be exact equivalents of a professional critique, but nor is this blog intended for professional actors and playwrights :)

This series of posts is meant to be a running commentary of reviews of plays or dramas that I have seen, keep seeing and will see in the future.


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